What is The System Dates of Vouchers Generated Module in Tally?
The System Dates of Voucher Generated module for Tally is an add-on that helps you to view the Day Book report based on the system date of voucher creation or alteration. It shows all vouchers that are created or altered between the selected date and not based on the voucher date. It helps you to find out how many new entries have been created or altered in a given period. This module is especially useful for businesses that need to monitor and verify their voucher entries on a daily or weekly basis, or for businesses that have multiple users working on the same data. With this module, you can easily identify and track any changes made to your vouchers by any user at any time
List of Features

System Date-Based Day Book Report
View the Day Book report based on the system date of the vouchers.

Unusual Entries Tracking
Track unusual entries based on the system date and identify any discrepancies or errors.

Specific Date or Period Entries View
View a set of entries made on a specific date or range of period based on the system date.

System Date-Based Entries Sorting
Sort entries based on the system date and arrange them in ascending or descending order.

Voucher Date & System Date Comparison
Compare entries based on the voucher date and the system date and verify their accuracy and consistency.

Audit & Verification Enhancement
Enhance your audit and verification process by using the system date of vouchers as a reference.