What is The Multi Company - Stock Reports Module in Tally?

The Multi company - stock reports module for Tally is an add-on that helps you to know your consolidated stock positions across various branches. If you have multiple branches or companies that deal with the same stock items, you may face challenges in tracking and managing the stock levels and movements of those items. You may need to consolidate the stock reports from different sources and analyse the stock position to make informed decisions on purchasing or producing the stock as per the market demand. The MULTI company - stock reports module simplifies this process by showing the consolidated stock summary of all branches and providing the facility to print and export the report.

List of Features

Consolidated Stock Positions

Know your consolidated stock positions across various branches.

Consolidated Stock Summary

View consolidated stock summary of all branches in one report.

Consolidated Stock Report Printing

Print and export the consolidated stock report for your reference or sharing.

Stock Position Analysis

Analyse the stock position to make informed decisions about your inventory.

Stock Levels & Movements Comparison

Compare the stock levels and movements across branches and identify any discrepancies or opportunities.

Inventory Management & Profitability Enhancement

Enhance your inventory management and profitability by using the multi company - stock reports module.