What is The Godown-Wise Multi Item Stock Report Module in Tally?

The Godown-Wise Multi Item Stock Report Module in tally is an add-on that helps you to view the stock details for each godown or location in a tabular format. If you have multiple godowns or locations where you store your inventory, you may want to see the stock summary, stock movement, stock ageing, and batch details for each godown or location. You can enable the Godown-Wise Multi Item Stock Report Module in tally and view all these details in a single report. It helps you to monitor and manage your inventory across multiple godowns or locations

List of Features

Comprehensive Stock Summary

View the stock summary for each godown or location with quantity, rate and value

Detailed Stock Movement

View the stock movement for each godown or location with inward and outward transactions

Accurate Stock Ageing

View the stock ageing for each godown or location with opening and closing balances

Batch-Wise Stock Information

View the batch details for each godown or location with expiry date and batch number

Quick Voucher Overview

See all the vouchers for all the items at a glance

Customizable Data Filtering

Filter the data as per stock group, stock category, item name, voucher type and date range

Easy Data Auditing

Get location specific data quickly for auditing purposes

Flexible Report Printing & Exporting

Print or export the report in various formats