What is The Find Voucher Module in Tally?
The Find Voucher module for Tally is an add-on that helps businesses search for and locate vouchers of any transaction type for any given period. When dealing with a large number of vouchers in Tally, businesses may face difficulties in finding the vouchers they need for various purposes. The Find Voucher module allows businesses to search for vouchers by amount, voucher number or voucher narration, and filter them by exact value, range or comparison.
List of Features

Easy Voucher Search
Enter the amount, number or narration of the voucher to find it.

Flexible Voucher Filter
Specify the value, range or comparison criteria for the voucher amount to filter it.

Comprehensive Matching Vouchers View
See the matching vouchers in various reports such as ledger, day book, cash book, etc.

Versatile Voucher Search
Search vouchers for any transaction type and period such as sales, purchase, payment, receipt, etc.

Time-Saving Voucher Location
Locate vouchers easily and quickly by using the find voucher module.

Accurate & Efficient Accounting
Improve your accounting accuracy and efficiency by finding and verifying vouchers.